
These signs aren’t going away anytime soon…

One of the most common questions right now is when will the trams be returning to the Walt Disney World parking lots? Other people complain that the trams need to be brought back as soon as possible. I doubt that the trams will be back under the current conditions, and here is why.

When you think of waiting for a tram first thing in the morning or at the end of the day, what immediately comes to mind? Most likely it’s a crowd of people, waiting to get on. With social distancing guidelines, there simply isn’t enough room to have people spread out to wait for trams at the beginning or end of the day. People would be on top of each other, and the line would spill over into the parking lot.

I personally don’t use the trams often, I’m a walker and I’d rather get a few extra steps in. Still, I do understand that this is inconvenient for many. Not everyone can walk for long periods of time, especially the 50 and older crowd. At the end of the night, another walk can be tiring!

I’m not sure if there is a good solution right now. If walking is an issue, consider renting a scooter from an outside company. Renting one once you arrive at the park would kind of defeat the purpose. You might want to stay on property, since the buses will drop you off closer to the gate. Preferred parking could also be an (expensive) option.

My best piece of advice is to mentally prepare yourself for the walk. If you know ahead of time that you will have to make it, you’ll be ready for it. You might find that it’s not so bad after all! Also, take a picture of the row that you park in. The last thing you want to do at the end of the day is to wander around the parking lot, looking for your car.

The trams will be back eventually. Then everyone can start to complain once again that the lines for them are too long and that too many people are crowded into a row. Me, I’ll continue to walk. It’s usually faster than the tram, and I then won’t feel guilty when I enjoy my Dole Whip.