Ten Second Tip: Passing the Time – The Shows Must Go On!

Photo courtesy The Shows Must Go On! YouTube Channel 

I thought that it could be fun to share some unique ways to pass the time while stuck at home. Many of these are geared towards children, but we’re Disney fans, and that makes us all kids at heart! Originally I was adding Disney or Orlando-related activities, but there are so many cool things going on across the planet that I’ve expanded.

If you are a fan of Andrew Lloyd Webber, you are going to love this! A new YouTube Channel has been set up so that you can enjoy filmed productions of his work for free. It’s called The Shows Must Go On! A new musical will debut each Friday at 2:00pm Eastern. The shows will be available to watch for just a short period of time, so don’t wait! The first production will be Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, followed by Jesus Christ Superstar the second week.